Splendora's Snaps

Zilloween at the KitchenUr Kafe
Feels like old times :)
Even when I'm asleep, I'm sometimes here in my dreams.
I shop here so you don't have to :)
As you can see from this old photo, I've been shopping here for...
I love the beauty of the bogs.
Fun party!
Spice and bubble together at last.
Where's Bruce?
Why am I doing this?
Where's Bruce?
I have no idea what I'm laughing about.
Dreaming in the moonlight
Zille-o-ween in the KitchenUr Cafe
Yowsa, so many fireflies. I've been ignited!
Mabfest on roof garden with starlight
I am having such a bad hair day. Thank heavens for hats!
I'm doing "scientific" experiments with serving food...
KitchenUr Kafe is a part of the Community Kitchen. Sometimes you...
Some people have asked how I'm able to combine two housing...
Coffee, coffee, coffee!
Looking at ths trail of cherry kindness while sipping chicken...
Notice how the old house-shaped button is in front of the rock...
Mysterious eyes watching me.
Have I come full circle?
Exploring is fun!
Leave or stay a while longer?
Beam me up, Scotty!
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