Lily Linguistic's Snaps

Only about and hour and a half worth of work...
The World Famous Golden Porcudong!
Welcome Giants, we're sorry you're waking up, but we love you.
We love you Kukubee, thanks for being Awesome.
Goodbye Glitch <3
All the collectibles.
The wicked witch is dead!
All these accomplishments...
Gotta Catch em all
I had no idea there actually WERE forehorsemen bwahaha
bahahaha Team UTI for the win :p
July in Glitchmas. South Pacific Glitchmas Special 2012
Glitchmas Family Portrait :)
Best decorated Glitchmas Tree ever!
Glitchmas Party! :)
Happy Glitchmas!
Offerings to the craftybot
Be vewy vewy quiet.
Hurry Up Please It's Time
Craftybot contemplates the approaching apocalypse.
See the Boom in it's natural habitat, it has a naturally occuring...
Upside Down? or Downside Up?
Love it!
The skull of Damocles.
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