
Bug with daily donation experience?

Before making a sizable donation under the effects of Extremely Hallowed Shrine Powder, the game informed me that it would go over my maximum 3450 experience from donating (was at 0 before the donation). When I accepted that and donated, I got 3795 experience for the donation.

I can't be sure if it actually gave me the 3795 or if it actually only gave me 3450 because I didn't record my before and after experience amounts. I'll record my experience next in-game day and see if it gives me the correct amount.

Edit: Maybe this is a known thing: But the chat window output should probably not tell you you've received more than you did.

Okay. I had 5544 exp. My daily max was 3576 and it said I got 4291. I then had 9835. That's 4291. I did get more experience than I should have been capable of getting. It's not just a display error. Welp. Given the sheer amount of ore I can mine per day, if the amount of exp in a single large donation is unlimited, I could get some pretty crazy amounts of experience per day. I'm glad you guys are fast at fixing things, but I wonder how many people are already abusing this.

Posted 13 years ago by Mr. Glenn Subscriber! | Permalink