
[confirmed] Being given quests that ignore what I've done

I've been asked by my rock to pet a pig, tend a patch and water a tree, which are all things I've done. And I've been asked to find the Great Hole to Ix and jump in, while I'm in Ix. Feels a bit hassly, like my rock isn't taking any notice of me but also nagging me.

Posted 14 years ago by Hector Magnificent Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I noticed something similar- I had purchased the "Elemental Pouch from street spirit who sells alchemical goods", then when I checked my task list later, I saw that was in the list of things to do. When I tried to click the 'Tell me more' button, I just got the squishy error sound. It cleared up when I left the game and rejoined.

    EDIT: Let me clarify and backtrack. When I said it "cleared up" I meant that when I checked my quest list when returning, this popped out at me. I agreed to the quest right there. When I look at my list now, I still have to collect the pouch, which I already own. It shows 0/1 for the inventory of that item in the quest list.
    Posted 14 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had some problems with the Get Elemental quest, too.

    The 'Tell me more' button was grayed out. So I bought the pouch to see if that would trigger anything. After a reload the button was active but i still had to do the quest.
    When trying to sell the pouch back to the vendor it dropped to the ground (you can't sell those, right?) but when I picked up the elemental pouch, the quest was finished.
    Posted 14 years ago by Mina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • [redacted]
    Posted 14 years ago by Sasson Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Being asked to pet pigs and such after you've already done it isn't likely to change. Later skill quests will also ask you to pet pigs under different conditions. Being asked to jump into Ix after you already have shouldn't happen - you should have gotten that quest well before you got there, and I think we fixed that since the last test, so that should be resolved.

    If you've already bought or acquired an elemental pouch before you start the quest you should just get credit right away. We'll get that fixed.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Cool - thanks for the feedback!
    Posted 14 years ago by Hector Magnificent Subscriber! | Permalink