
[confirmed] Behavior of learning dialog in game does not match my expectation, you might not consider this a bug, but I kinda do.

What do I mean? This:

When you finish a learning session, you get the dialog in game to pop up. Great, learn a new skill!

You have two actionable widgets, the dismiss button [x] & the [Learn a new skill (opens in new window)] button.

In my mind, when you select the option to learn the new skill in the second window, that *should* make the modal dismiss, just as [x] does, which would save the click when focusing back on the in game window.

Posted 14 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This is already on our todo list. We're going to do exactly what you suggest. Only better!

    (well, maybe just exactly what you suggest)
    Posted 14 years ago by Bees! Subscriber! | Permalink