
[confirmed] Extra Currants and Level Up??

I am a Level 1 player and logged off last night after 20-30mins, during which I had not received any badges, had around 100 currants and was mastering the "Light Green Thumb" skill. I just logged in to find out that I am level 2 right now, have mastered the Light Green Thumb skill and have 1200 currants.

I am not sure how that happened! ^^

Posted 14 years ago by thu-thu Subscriber! | Permalink


  • There is a quest to train a skill, that I expect you had accepted, and the reward gave you coin and enough xp to make level 2.
    Posted 14 years ago by Teag the Unphased Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks Teag :) but I had not completed any quests and i was just in for 15minutes-had a really low xp level! Completion of no quests would get me an instant Level 2 promotion.
    Posted 14 years ago by thu-thu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hard to say what happened exactly, but we're putting in some activity logging that'll make it easier to track this sort of anomaly in the future. I'm going to punt this for now and if it comes up again then we'll take a look once we have better tools to see what happened. Thanks for the report, thu-thu!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sure Beefcake! :)
    Posted 14 years ago by thu-thu Subscriber! | Permalink