
[awaiting response] Could not weed my garden

Only got to weed (hoe) my first plot after harvesting. ?

Posted 14 years ago by Suzy Spring Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hi Suzy! The gardens have been a bit troublesome lately and they're due for an overhaul, but for the purposes of this bug, can you be more descriptive about what happened for me? Specifically:

    1) Do you mean you only got to weed each plot once, or that after you harvested all your plots, you could only weed one of them?
    2) What happened after you weeded the first one? Did the plots look funny? Did they not respond to attempts to weed them? Did you get any error messages of any sort?
    3) Did anything funny happen while you watered, planted, and harvested them the first time through? Did they grow instantly or anything crazy like that?
    4) Was there anything else you noticed that seemed off?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This bug report was concerning my first attempt at gardening. As I recall after harvesting I only was able to weed the first square plot of the garden. The other weedy squares, every time I clicked on them I received an error message.

    After that my next visit to the garden during the long test was successful but buggy. I had to click many times when watering/weeding, kept getting error messages. I don't know if I was trying to water/weed too fast or not hitting the hot spot.

    The only process that relatively error free was planting the seeds. But the first attempt I had trouble by clicking the wrong spot, the seed package, not the text description when choosing which seeds I wanted to plant.

    The growth of the garden seemed alright.

    After weeding though, the plots are dark, like after the initial watering. Making it necessary to read the message after replanting and watering to make certain the new seeds had been watered.

    I ended the testing with the garden buggy again. Only able to clear the weeds of the top row of the garden.
    Posted 14 years ago by Suzy Spring Subscriber! | Permalink