
[confirmed] Invisible pig when you first learn how to pet animals

I can't see the pig, and the rock keeps yelling at me to pet it. But I can't see it. Oops.

Posted 14 years ago by Soap Bubble Subscriber! | Permalink


  • This is in "The Next Step"
    Posted 14 years ago by Soap Bubble Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Here's the error message:

    Posted 14 years ago by Soap Bubble Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Someone please save me, I'm still stuck in The Next Step, and I can't get out till I pet the pig, and the pig is invisible.
    Posted 14 years ago by Soap Bubble Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This was a problem with our CDN, especially in Asia. To be specific, your client was being told to grab image assets from our California servers not the Asian servers, and the resulting latency was causing the client to fail. It probably shouldn't fail like that, which is something we'll probably want to look into at some point, but one workaround is having a global CDN like we have, so we have to get that fixed, first. Sorry to any players from Asia who were unable to play during this play test. We'll be doing another weekend test soon and we expect the issue should be resolved by then.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • In the future, by the way, if you need immediate help it's best to ask in the Help channel. During playtests we spend most of our resources watching and working with the live game, and we typically go over forums posts at the end of play sessions, so it's very likely if you ask a question here that needs immediate attention, like if you're stuck someplace, you may not get a response until it's far too late. Sorry about that, soapbubble.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink