
[confirmed] Ring of the Giants?

"Zounds! We honor you with this Ring of the Giants. It denotes the glory of 11,000 favor points, all in one easy-to-wear bauble."

Is the message that was displayed once I collected all 11 emblems, which seems to imply some kind of an object; but I didn't acquire anything ring-like, nor did I end up with a ring-like trophy on my shelf.

Is it just an achievement-badge-thing?

Posted 14 years ago by _hristine Subscriber! | Permalink


  • You're supposed to get an item but.. we forgot to create the item and hook it up to the achievement! I've filed a bug so we should get on that soon. Feel free to ask in Help if it's been done next time we do a play test (though if it's this week it probably won't be, but worth asking anyway) and we'll hook you up with your Ring of the Giants :)
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • And go ahead and link this thread, too, if there's any question about it, though I doubt there will be.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink