
[awaiting response] Shrine to Alph unclickable

Shrine to Alph on cranberry coppice is unclickable.

Posted 14 years ago by SuperHappyFun Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I seem to be able to click on it just fine, so I'm probably going to need more details than this:

    1) Did you reload and try again?
    2) Were you able to click on it at any point later in the test?
    3) Did you try approaching it and hitting enter to bring up the verb menu instead?
    4) Did it highlight as you got near it?
    5) Was there a mouseover when you hovered your mouse over it at all?

    I don't expect you to remember the answer to all of these, but if you can let me know anything you do remember, or if you see this again if you can get answers to these questions, that'll help a lot. Thanks for the report, tho, SuperHappyFun, I'll definitely keep an eye out for more instances of this in case it crops up again.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink