
[not a bug] Typo in shrine to Cosma dialog

In the shrine to Cosma on Ruta Asuncion, in the "check favor" dialog, the bottom part says that Hombaba can help you learn the skill.

Posted 14 years ago by Nevet Subscriber! | Permalink


  • That's not a typo, that's telling you that a shrine to Humbaba is the best place to go to get help learning the skill you're currently on :) I'm not sure if that functionality's actually in place yet, but it gives you a general idea for how to plan out your future skill learning!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • hmmm. Obviously I can't check it now but I remember that in every shrine, the bottom part talked about the current giant and if it wasn't associated with the skill you're learning it said " isn't associated with the skill but he can still help you with it". This was the only case I noticed where the giant mentioned in the bottom was different.
    This was in the weekend test, maybe it changed since?
    Posted 14 years ago by Nevet Subscriber! | Permalink