
[confirmed] Missing Grendaline Emblem

After completing a quest, I got a pop up saying to visit the shrine to pick up my emblem. I went to the shrine on Adanac and attempted to pick up the emblem while not realizing my bag was full. The message popped up saying that I received it, but it wasn't on the ground nor in my too-full bags. I checked the shrine again but there seemed to be no option to get it.

I'd expected it to either fall to the ground or stay with the shrine, but neither happened :( There wasn't anyone else on the street at the time, so I know no one else picked it up.

Posted 14 years ago by leah Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I've had this happen twice: once with Lem and once with Humba-whatever, I think. Both times, the emblem just vanishes. Also, I have two Grendalines—it'd be nice to stack them since I don't really have control over how many I earn or when.
    Posted 14 years ago by tiff Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yes, this has happened to me, too.

    Stacking would be nice. I'd also like a very special bag for the emblems (with 11 slots!). I can't believe the Giants have let us put their precious gifts in regular old bags.
    Posted 14 years ago by Mina Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This shouldn't happen but it looks like it does. I've filed a bug to make sure in the future we put the emblem into escrow or something if your inventory is full, or it simply refuses to give it to you. Something clear. Sorry guys.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink