
Unable to invite friend into house, bug on him following me while entering house

LechD knocked on my house door but i never received a message asking to let him in, and when he tried again he got a message asking him to please be patient. He then followed me and i walked into the house. I was then booted from the game and got this error:

Once I reloaded, I was in the house and so was Lech.

Posted 14 years ago by quoo Subscriber! | Permalink


  • After quoo was unable to invite me inside/answer the request I basically suggested to allow me to follow her into her home. Oddly enough it worked but the prolonged load time disconnected me but with a different error from quoo. I simply received an "OMG RELOAD! expired token" message which occurs on extended load times.
    Posted 14 years ago by LechD Subscriber! | Permalink