
Gardening needs some work...

After getting myself a nice little house I've been tinkering a lot with the gardening, and noticed at least two bugs/annoyances:

- I was killed while gardening, since I had no way to watch my energy, and the gardening interface gave me no info on what happened, just a vague message indicating I wasn't near my garden.
- My hoe broke down while tending to the weeds, but the only message I got was that I couldn't clean the patch "for some reason" instead of just saying "because you have no hoe, stupid"

In general, I think that if you're going to have an out-of-game minigame, you better give us the information we need. I see no reason this couldn't be done with the same dialog system that every other craft uses, which would already give you all that and just feel more connected.

Posted 14 years ago by Munchy McMunch Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Ah, is that why I couldn't hoe? Because my hoe broke? Maybe, but I also have had problems with gathering and watering and know that my watering can was still OK. I have been concerned too about not knowing if my energy was getting low doing the gardening.
    Posted 14 years ago by Suzy Spring Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've had these two issues happen as well. Also, when I try to water/hoe and it fails, I have to wait for all the queued click-activity records (the yellow fade-in) things to go by before I can see what the latest is for one particular plot. Basically, it gets too far behind and lacks context about why the action failed.

    When I've died while gardening, eventually it says "player isn't online" or something like that which is the only indication that something went wrong in the main game tab.
    Posted 14 years ago by tiff Subscriber! | Permalink