
Achievement = Badge

Wording inconsistency:

Accomplishments are referred to on one's profile page as "Badges", but are referred to in some quests (one I remember was the "Learn to milk a butterfly" one) as "Achievements". Took me a while to figure out that the "Butterfly Whisperer achievement" (which Pet Rock called it for that quest) could be verified by looking at my Badges. I'd been searching for a list of which achievements I had. (Duh.) A simple wording change would fix this.

Posted 14 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Agreed, I saw I was missing an achievement to learn a skill and went to my quests to see what I needed. Obviously (now that I realize what it's referring to) the information I was seeking would not there.
    Posted 14 years ago by Zara Wunderwoot Subscriber! | Permalink