
House price at purchase / house price now

When I bought my house, I'm pretty sure it was 1,500 currents. I looked at a bunch of places and tried to see if I could find one for more than that price, but that was the most house I could find.

Now, on the profile page, it says: "You can sell it for 80% of the original price — 8,000 currants."

So ... A) I'm not totally getting the 80% bit (I thought the improvements I'd made would have increased it's value), and B) 80% of the original price would be, I think, 1,200 currents.

(Also, since we're talking about house prices, does anyone know any specific strategies for adding to a house's value?)

Posted 14 years ago by charliepark Subscriber! | Permalink


  • (Nevermind on that last bit of the question. I'll post that over in the glitch strategy group.)

    The other points stand, though. Aroo?
    Posted 14 years ago by charliepark Subscriber! | Permalink