
Opera Browser optimizing

Not really a bug per se, but when I originally wanted to start playing in Opera, the flash for the character selection only loaded partially and slower in general. it was near impossible to get all the characters loaded up and moving on. You might want to check up optimizing gameplay for all browsers or a list of most used of course. Food for thought, i suppose.

Posted 14 years ago by Daavpuke Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I tried it on Opera once, and I couldn't do ANYTHING. Literally. I couldn't even open the Help channel.
    Posted 14 years ago by Houdini Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've just started using it on Opera now and lots of things don't work.

    Things that don't work:
    - Using the spacebar
    - Using the on backpack bar at the bottom (therefore cant eat stuff)
    - Switching between chat / panels on right (using the mouse click)

    Things that did work, even though the things above didn't:
    - Clicking to move the character / interact with in-game items

    I'm quite happy to continue testing in Opera - I actually work at Opera Software in Oslo and would really like to see the game work on the browser (rather than just take the decision to tell users to get an alternate browser).
    Posted 14 years ago by coxy Subscriber! | Permalink