
[not a bug] Real Estate Listings Spelling Error?

When I just looked at the real estate listings page I noticed that all the homes on Ti Street now say "Tii Quarter" with two "i"s.

Posted 14 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink


  • We changed the spelling to make it more obviously "Tee" not "Tie". Sorry for the confusion!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Um... why do you care how we pronounce it? I'm sure we're all mispronouncing all sorts of things.

    (Somehow, I liked Ti better, which I do pronounce "tee".)

    Argh, and now I have Do Re Mi in my head. "The first three giants just happen to be: Alph, Lem, Ti"
    Posted 14 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink