
[resolved] Quests finishing in delayed order

Repro Steps
Complete a quest, any quest. (Then complete another one.)

Expected Behavior
When I finish a quest - i.e. all the conditions are met - I expect that quest to complete.

Actual Behavior
When all conditions are met, the quest is greyed out in my quest log. However, I have to complete *another* quest, then I get the notification for the first quest, which is now marked as completed. The second quest is greyed out, and I have to do another quest, and so on...

Posted 14 years ago by stml Subscriber! | Permalink


  • There was a problem with quests not completing correctly due to backup in the message queue with your pet rock. This should be fixed now but if you see it again please let me or someone know in help channel (feel free to link this thread).
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink