
[resolved - Work in Progress] Images not loading. Causes stuff to not appear/work/interact properly.

EDIT : Im from Singapore on a 8mbps connection from Singtel (My ISP).

I get lots of images not loading. Stuff like the emotional bear and the shrine to cosma almost always doesnt load. Sometimes the tools wont load.

If the stuff is in my backpack, I can interact with them but cannot move them. If it's not in my backpack, I cannot interact with them.

EDIT: If the stuff is in my backpack, I cannot use them to make anything. For example I have lemons (whose image isn't loading) and I cant make lemon juice using the blender because it doesnt think I have them.

A rough list of stuff not loading.

- Crabato Juice
- Focusing Orb [Loads in IE]
- Emotional Bear [Loads in IE]
- Cheese Plate
- Lemons

There are more but I cant remember them.

Anyway, is this because of the game not choosing the right servers to load from. Im from singapore if that matters.

EDIT : Apparently IE loads the images better than Chrome. The problem is till there, just that in IE more stuff loads.

Posted 14 years ago by Ixirim Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Ixirim: Traditionally when images don't load it's a problem with either latency or our CDN. In order to try to troubleshoot where that's coming up, it'd be helpful to know what kind of connection you play on and the general part of the world you're playing from. If you can update this thread with that info that'd be a big help!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Im from Singapore on a 8mbps connection from Singtel (My ISP).
    Posted 14 years ago by Ixirim Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Ah. We've been having issues with our CDN in Asia and this sounds like exactly that problem. We're working on some solutions in the coming week, and in the meantime I apologize for the really gimpy gameplay you have to put up with.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Well it's ok. That's why we're testing :D
    Posted 14 years ago by Ixirim Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Yeah! Almost all of the images loaded this test. I can finally see and interact with the cooking vendor. I still can't see the butterfly milk and so far it was the only thing that didnt show up. Awesome work :D
    Posted 14 years ago by Ixirim Subscriber! | Permalink