
[resolved] frying pan disappears after repaired

repaired my frying pan after it broke. the picture in the item list disappeared, although i can still click it and fry stuff.

Posted 14 years ago by Alexis Hex Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Have you had any other images fail to display either in your inventory or in-game? Did you get any error pop-ups when this happened? Did the problem go away at any point, say, after a client refresh?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This reminds me! Over the weekend for a time my cocktail shaker was appearing as a tinker tool. I had forgotten what was in that slot, and I thought someone had given me a tinkertool or something. But I couldn't interact with it.

    The problem eventually went away, though I don't know why.

    So this is probably not helpful, but there you go.
    Posted 14 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink