
[resolved] Frozen using Bailestorth Shin to Louise Pasture signpost

I arrived at the left end of Bailestorth Shin and walked to the right and reached a signpost to Louise Pasture.

After clicking on the signpost, I am unable to move my character and clicking on rock gives disabled "wah" sound effect. Chat, Map, and Inventory are still accessible.

A refresh unfreezes my character but whenever I attempt to use this particular sign, I still get frozen.

Traveling to and from Otterlane and Bailestorth Shin is fine.
Traveling from Louise Pasture to Bailestorth Shin is fine.
Traveling from Bailestorth Shin to Louise Pasture is not.

Note: Happened to run into this issue right when my rock announced I had completed learning "Focused Meditation" and I may have pressed Enter to use the signpost in a near-simultaneous moment. But unable to determine if this is just a coincidence.

Posted 14 years ago by snippid Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I think This is where i got into trouble too... And I wasn't doing anything in particular just moving. Total system freeze, requiring manual reboot
    1:50 am EST Dec 12
    Posted 14 years ago by caley dunn Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This sounds like a transient issue that should hopefully be resolved now. If it's not please get our attention in the Help channel; this kind of issue is really hard to debug after the fact, since it's not easily reproducible, but we absolutely want to track it down if it still exists.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink