
[confirmed] Which piggy am I nibbling?

Today I spent a bit of time petting and subsequently nibbling a lot of piggies. When two piggies were very close together, it was nigh impossible to tell which piggy I was interacting with at a given time. Normally, who cares, but if there's a penalty for nibbling a given piggy too often, I'd like to be able to avoid it.

Maybe when we hover over or cursor down to an object's name in the "interact with" list, the object could get a fuzzy highlight (aura?) around it to indicate which of that object I'm interacting with.

Posted 14 years ago by quasistoic Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I had the same problem. I guess teethmarks are out of the question? ;)
    Posted 14 years ago by Chelseathing Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I had a similar problems with many pigs in my property - they were running around so quickly that it was hard to pick the right one. would it be possible to make them stop somehow to allow easier interaction? (maybe a "tickle" option that would make them roll on their backs and laugh?)
    Posted 14 years ago by Nevet Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Perhaps once you nibble a piggy, it could alter in color? Or its highlight color could come up as something other than the default blue?
    Posted 14 years ago by Atalanta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've filed a bug with our developers along with some of the suggestions listed here as possible solutions to the confusion that comes with trying to interact with a bunch of piggies in one small area. Thanks for the post and the suggestions, folks :)
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink