
[resolved] New Area XP

There was a bug report filed a bit ago on this ( but it seems to have fallen far down the list without getting a response. I also noticed it last test.

Repro Steps
Visit a new (i.e. unvisited) area

Expected Behavior
The amount of xp gained (x) is equal to the amount shown in the message box (y)

Actual Behavior
x = 1.5y (i.e. x = 54 and y = 36)

To make it clear, the message says "this is your first time visiting STREET. You gained y XP." Where the XP is tracked in the upper left corner (the tube thingy), it says "+x" and you gain x XP towards the next level. This happens on all new streets.

Posted 14 years ago by Edward Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Bug filed, thanks for reposting this, I definitely missed it the first time.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Noticed I was still getting this bug today. I mean, I appreciate the extra XP and all...

    But yeah, there were a few new streets I hadn't visited... something off of Hayden Seek?... and it said I would get +36 XP but got 54 instead.
    Posted 14 years ago by Herp Derp Subscriber! | Permalink
  • The Marrakesh meadow Quarters showed (on the loading screen) 66xp, yet the notification that comes up in the top left corner of the screen, said 44xp. I actually got 66.
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink