
Cancelled mining midway through, but the sound is still going..

Cancelled mining midway through, but the sound is still going..this was in "The Other Drop".

Posted 14 years ago by _e.t Subscriber! | Permalink


  • You have to reload. Hope that helps.
    Posted 14 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I think my account has gone buggy. The last few times I used the tinker tool, the sound kept going after the repair was completed. The last time it happened, I was near to a vendor, so I sold the tool, and yet it still kept going.

    Also, the last few times I've tried mining, the procedure happens, but no mineral is received, despite energy being expended and there being room in my pack.

    Also, whenever I use the fruit changing device now, it won't go away after the process is complete, and won't allow a further process until I reload. I've freloaded quite a few times.
    Posted 14 years ago by Space Teacake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've closed and restarted my browser, and that hasn't helped either.
    Posted 14 years ago by Space Teacake Subscriber! | Permalink