
Finished quest refuse to be completed

Expected Behavior
After items for quest have been made, quest should be completed and rewards will be given.

Actual Behavior
Items needed for the quest has been made (so the quest is finished) but rewards are not given and it still stays in the quest log.

I've finished this quest quite a while ago (about two tests ago?) but it still refuse to be completed and get off my quest log. All my other quest just seem to be working fine except for just this particular one.


Posted 14 years ago by Snail Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I had a similar issue with "Porcine Pleasure" quest. I noticed that the last pig to complete the quest also earned me a badge.

    EDIT: The quest completed after a refresh of the page and a bit of time.
    Posted 14 years ago by Gameame Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Similar experience for Bubble and Squeak and Corny Fritters task.
    Posted 14 years ago by caley dunn Subscriber! | Permalink