
Work Contributions Stopped Incrementing

Working on a project on Tii Street with several other people. In the last leg where we are doing work (shoveling, watering, using the hoe). I would select max, and the usual process would start of doing work. But for some reason, when it got to 9-10 the sound would keep going, but I was no longer losing energy or gaining credit for doing work. If I backed out of it, I could go back in and continue with the same thing again.

It happened at least 3 times while on that project.

Posted 14 years ago by Cainunable Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I noticed the same thing happening for me on the Tii Street project. There was also suddenly quite a bit of lag just before the work stops. Could that have something to do with this?
    Posted 14 years ago by nightning Subscriber! | Permalink