
[fixed] Batterfly ? Butterfly

The quest "Doin' the ol' MacDonald" says you must name one bUtterfly, but doesn't finish until you've renamed one bAtterfly.

Took me a while, then :-P

Posted 14 years ago by Skywise Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Either this has been fixed or something fishy is going on, but I was able to finish this one by renaming a butterfly. If I see more reports of this I'll investigate further. Thanks Skywise!
    Posted 13 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm betting it was just a delayed reaction to the quest being solved. The quest was correctly finished when the butterfly was renamed, but the pop-up didn't appear. Then when Skywise tried naming the batterfly, the game finally caught up and acknowledged the quest completion. The timing was likely a wild coincidence.
    Posted 13 years ago by Cainunable Subscriber! | Permalink