
Game Progress Not in Sync on Different Browsers on Mac OS X 10.6.5 and iOS 4.2.1 (Chrome/Safari/Mobile Safari)


All of this is on a MacBook Pro (early-2010, 13", 2.4 GHz) and on a iPod touch (3rd gen 32GB). I use Chrome 9.0.597.19 and Safari 5.0.3 (6533.19.4).

Repro Steps
Play on Chrome 9.0.597.19 on Mac.
Go on Safari 5.0.3 (6533.19.4) on Mac or Safari on iOS.

Expected Behavior
Able to play the game where I left off on Safari for Mac or view my skills and achievements on Safari for iOS.

Actual Behavior
It appears that I never played the game on Safari (I can still play Glitch on Safari for Mac though.)

And this is my true profile that I am referring all of this from: [IMG][/IMG]

This all started when I learned that there was an actual mobile site, so I decided to check it out (on iOS). However, then I noticed how none of the progress I've made on Chrome was on it. It appeared as if I've never played the game ([IMG][/IMG]). Later, I noticed how I could see my true profile if I clicked on my profile link via the forums, but I could never "switch to it now," and I don't know why I can't tap on that link ([IMG][/IMG]).

Then I went on to Safari on my Mac because I heard that Glitch can run smoother if it was the only window opened. So I did that, and found that all my game progress was also similarly gone ([IMG][/IMG]) (both versions of Safari were on the same page whenever I played on Safari, like both of them were on "And so it begins..." at the same time.)

So today, someone suggested that I report this, so I did, and decided to take screenshots of the different browsers and the game progress on each of them. Then, after looking at the screenshots, I noticed how the URL of my profile was different on Safari than on Chrome, so I went ahead and pasted the URL on Safari, and I got to my profile with the correct info (like all my skills and achievements where there)([IMG][/IMG]). The game recognized that it was me I guess because it asked me if I wanted to "switch to it now." Once I did that, the progress seems to be in sync :D!

Yet I still can't tap the "switch to it now" hyperlink on Safari on iOS, so I still can't choose what skill to learn from it (I can see the progress on learning a skill from going to the forum and getting my profile there, but when I try to select a new skill, that didn't work either. And a while after, I couldn't access my true profile this way, but now I can again.)

So, it's not really a problem if you paste your profile URL onto the other browser, but I bugs me that I have to do this, rather than all my browsers being in sync, because it's the same account I'm going into. And for me, the mobile browser site isn't really working for me.

Posted 14 years ago by Sycroxii Eandz Subscriber! | Permalink
