
[not a bug] My shirt is possessed!

One of the ways I amuse myself when Glitch is closed is changing my avatar.

So... today I changed my shirt-dress combination and stumbled on a pairing that seems to have an issue when the "Design your avatar" window first loads. Try it and watch the area around the neckline and upper sleeve, on the arm that's farther from the viewer. It seems to flap around a bit, like my little Glitchen's heart is beating; next a piece will flap up out of the 'wearing' plane and back down; then it seems to settle down and the issue goes away.

I tried it with both Mac and PC and I see it on both platforms.

It's actually kind of amusing. If it's still happening when the next test opens, I'll see what happens in the game world...

Posted 14 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink


  • ^ There wil be a few animated clothes like capes etc. when more clothing is released. This is one of them! :)
    Posted 14 years ago by Hburger Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hburger: hee hee!

    I can say after today's test that I didn't see it in world. This is only happening in the "Design your avatar" popup as far as I can tell. It's pretty neat to watch it happen simultaneously on all the little copies of my avatar.
    Posted 14 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Not sure where the bug is here, it's just kinda cool :-) Hopefully we'll get those idle animations into the game at some point, too, but priority-wise it may be down the list a bit.
    Posted 13 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, Beefcake :)
    Posted 13 years ago by Lelu Subscriber! | Permalink