
[resolved] Text flickers in Safari when hovering over page navigation

This is a problem with the web site generally, not the game itself.

When you hover over the main navigation (Home|Account|Profile|Skills|etc) in Safari, as the fade-in highlight effect triggers, the rest of the text on the page briefly flickers. The forum topic lists are the worst example - on these pages the body of the page blanks completely for a fraction of a second. The effect is vaguely disconcerting.

This only happens for me in Safari. Firefox and Chrome are fine. I tried disabling extensions, but the problem remains.

Safari 5.0.3, OS X 10.6.6

Posted 13 years ago by dopiaza Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I wasn't able to reproduce this behavior on my end, but I've filed a bug with our web team to take a look. Just out of curiosity, what extensions do you have that you disabled?
    Posted 13 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • A variety of extensions, but nothing I would expect to be a problem:

    Short URL

    And of course, I have the infamous ClickToFlash installed.
    Posted 13 years ago by dopiaza Subscriber! | Permalink