
Mobile Site

I set an alarm this morning to wake me up in time to start learning a new skill on my phone after the old one finished. (No judging) Long story short, I needed to click on the one with the longest learning length on the bottom, but when the window for learning the skill loaded, it was stuck at the bottom and I couldn't click on the button to learn the skill because it was cut off.

Anyway, that's it.

Posted 13 years ago by Sweet Sadie Wren Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Fortunately, on my Android phone (Droid X) the button was visible in the dialog, but a smaller dialog is definitely necessary.
    Posted 13 years ago by Soopa-Fresh Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I've tried to do the same on android using both the built-in browser and opera mobile; I can't click the button to start learning either. I think it's because the pop-up dialog behavior just isn't suitable for mobile sites...when I scroll the dialog scrolls too so I can't often get to the button. I think the fix would be to get rid of the dialog behavior altogether.
    Posted 13 years ago by Tibor Subscriber! | Permalink