
item stacks not working right from auction items to giant donations

(let's see how convoluted I can make the subject and the explanation!)

I buy items from auctions. Gems. Because people are selling them, and I have too many currants, and I give them to giants and gain XP and well, isn't that fun?

So on this weekend's run, it's not working right. The gems that I acquire via auctions (and not my own hand) don't properly appear in my inventory at donation time. For example, it might show that I have zero moonstones (though the moonstone still shows, with a count of 0), although I just bought four at auction. I can donate them one at a time, still showing a zero count, but can't donate them as a hunk. And when they're actually gone, there's no moonstone showing in the donate screen.

This works for all gems! Or rather, is broken in the same way for all gems!

Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hmmmm, and this is inconsistent. I thought maybe it was fixed this morning because I didn't have the problem. It was working fine when I was on Tii street, standing next to Ti, buying things, and donating them.

    But then I bought some more things, and walked over to Middle Valley Clearing to pick up an emblem from Humbaba. Then I went to donate the things to Humbaba, but again, there is the icon in the donate screen, with 0 items showing. This time, I noticed that in fact the items do not appear when I look at my own inventory. But I do think that as many of them that I bought on auction, I was able to donate.
    Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink