
[resolved] Floating objects (xp, mood, etc) not getting picked up

I kept having this problem while testing today, where my game would entirely stop picking them up when I walked by or jumped on them (but sometimes could still click other stuff like animals, and other times it would simply say "working..." when I tried. Usually that led to a server disconnect, but for the last hour of testing I only had the object problem without anything else, and it didn't go away when I reloaded.

I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome.

Posted 13 years ago by Thursday Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Did you max out on them?
    Posted 13 years ago by Johnny Subscriber! | Permalink
  • That is probably because you crossed your daily limit
    Posted 13 years ago by shashank Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Sounds like a mixture of lag when you got the "Working..." message (something we're constantly working on) and having reached your daily limit of quoins later on. You should get a message pop-up saying you've reached your daily limit, so if you run into this again keep an eye out for that.
    Posted 13 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink