
Saucery 2 skill bug?

Fairly recently, I ran out of skills to learn, and am also getting low on quests. so I decided to focus on my long neglected cooking quests and was diligently working on frying, chopping, grilling and making stuff in my awesome pot.

I must have made 100 sauces in last week's test in an attempt to get the recipe for bolognese for the awesome pot quest. Out of no where, yesterday, a last skill popped up for me to learn: Saucery 2. Once I chose that skill, duh, I got a quest that included bolognese sauce. But that was a several days after I had supposedly exhausted my skills list.

Not sure if that is a bug, or the result of a helpful genie who overheard me whinging about it in chat, but thought I would mention it...

Posted 13 years ago by Nanookie Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Bog Specialization does not exist on my skills page. Not sure if it was once available then disabled by the devs or if it is just missing from my page alone. [oops-- it's below herdkeeping for some reason]
    Posted 13 years ago by rothko Subscriber! | Permalink