
Singing butterfly bonuses are sometimes double -- feature or a bug?

I forget the specific bonus I get for singing butterflies... I think it's level-based, and I think it's 124xp.

So yesterday, I was at my home that was cluttered with foodstuffs anyway, and decided to explore massive eating and butterfly singing. I would say that all went pretty much to plan... it takes a lot of energy to get a butterfly to sing. You can keep doing it, but you better keep eating, too.

But the one unexpected thing is that sometimes I got double xp for a sing. (Sometimes I got 248xp.) I formed little hypotheses about why this was happening and tried to test them, but never could figure out what the trigger was for when it happened.

(And then, whoops, I died, just before shutdown. All for science.)

Posted 13 years ago by clare Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I have found the same thing. A couple of times I have tried to equate it to lag - in other words, perhaps the game registered a double keystroke on the letter "n".

    Part of what made me think of this is that I believe the amount of energy used when you get these double xp is also double.

    If it is a bug, it can be reproduced pretty easily which should make it possible to correct/fix.
    Posted 13 years ago by Shadowy Time Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm not totally certain, I know the behavior but will review it with the Choirmaster of the Lepidopterology Department. Thanks clare! :^)
    Posted 13 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink