
Duplicate but different stats showing after actions
I found yesterday that I'd almost always get double images of the stats provided for an action (petting pigs or trees and watering were the ones where it appeared most often). The order of the stats is different (with XP showing before Energy on the top image), and there's been a difference in Mood credit. Different actions had different differences :-) but always there was a difference of some sort between the bottom and top lines.

I haven't been in the game today and probably won't be able to, so I can't check if it's still happening, but yesterday evening/night this was happening often. I did reload, probably 3 times, and it persisted.
(I'm using Chrome on WinXP)

Posted 13 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Yep, we should have had that fixed last night, sorry about that!
    Posted 13 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink