
"Can't close" and stasis on street projects

During the most recent test, I noticed a couple of odd behaviors on street projects. They might be related. The first is that the animated progress indicator (the pick picking, the globe rotating, whatever) continues to indicate progress but the numeric indicators do not increase,and trying to cancel or close out of this state results in the message "Can't cancel" (I believe) and indeed it doesn't. The second issue is that, when this happens, I am apparently making no progress on the street project. When I (finally) cancel out of the street project and re-enter it, my impression is that I have not been credited with any contribution since no progress was indicated.

Posted 13 years ago by Plurp Subscriber! | Permalink


  • The same thing happened to me, and the action sounds continued until I reloaded. I had five different sounds going at one point.
    Posted 13 years ago by Jade Subscriber! | Permalink
  • This happened to me every time (except once) that I was working on something that got completed.
    Posted 13 years ago by Amy Pond Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Since I'm locked out of the game right now, it's a good time for me to post my experience with the project bugginess, which I've been meaning to do. ;-)

    I have had the same issues that Plurp outlines for the last few tests, which have gotten worse since the intro of the new wardrobe:

    1. Extreme lag when entering a street that has a project and that has a lot of people working that project on that street. This means that the page load to enter the street can take up to 5 minutes to finish, including the rendering of people's clothes on a 'skeleton' avatar. Movement and chat cannot happen at all until the street loads fully, then after load, it can take a full minute for the character to be able to move. However, any keyboard input gets queued or something, because the character will move about rapidly and randomly after the page is fully loaded if I had pressed the arrow keys.

    2. When contributing work units to a project, if the work units are complete, the following happens:
    - the work units do not show as complete, the numbers just stop updating
    - you cannot click 'stop' - it tells you you cannot
    - if you click the X, then you can exit the dialogue and re-enter it, but the work sound persists
    - it takes a page reload for the work sound to cease

    3. If the project has all its contributions, then the rewards screen may not display until you reload - the project is credited. however, reloading takes you back to problem 1, in which the lag may take up to 5 minutes to get you back into the game. i've taken to exiting the street if the project is finished so that I can reload and enter quickly.

    Last night was the worst projects have ever been for me, after months of testing, and even with 'only' 10 people on a project. Chrome crashed 3x and the memory usage was pretty high.

    Hopes this helps sort it out - more people were describing these exact issues last night in the Help Channel than have posted here.
    Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink