
cannot enter world?

On MacOSX 10.6.6, in both Chrome 9.0.597.102 (default version flash) and Safari 5.0.3 (latest beta):

on reloading in the world, I am now stuck out of game. Every time I try to re-enter the game, I get the OMG Reload (unexpected disconnect) pop-up.


Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink


  • OK, now running Firefox 3.6.13 with Flash MAC 10,2,152,26 and debug player (didn't realize I wasn't on the latest version. Still cannot enter the game, but it seems that others are in-game and playing. Alas. Have sent a report through the error message that popped up, too.
    Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Even from another computer on this network, it's not letting me in. :/

    I guess I like this game, based on the withdrawal symptoms!
    Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • more info: latest error message:

    [UncaughtErrorEvent type="uncaughtError" bubbles=true cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.port::RightSideManager/chatUpdate()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.port::RightSideManager/activityChat()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.port::RightSideManager/godChat()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.model.signals::PropertyProviderLink/triggerCallBacks()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.model.signals::PropertyProviderLink/triggerCBProp()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.model.signals::PropertyProviderLink/triggerCBProp()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.model.signals::AbstractPropertyProvider/triggerCBPropDirect()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.model::ActivityModel/set god_message()
    at com.tinyspeck.engine.control.engine::NetController/connectHandler()

    (unrecognized msg:ClientConnectionProcessor.doConnect got PING instead of CONNECT message)
    Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Also, I cannot access my friends list on the home page ('We can't get your friends list. Hang on a sec.'), my profile or skills (get the joojoos), or my wardrobe (the links are not displayed anywhere). This is in all browsers on the Mac.
    Posted 13 years ago by zeeberk Subscriber! | Permalink