
Garden not responsive

In the last couple of tests, my garden has been non-responsive. (OK, that sounds odd, as if I've been interrogating it and it only told me its name, rank and serial number. That's not quite what I mean.) I click on the garden and get the menu that says "Inspect" (at least, I think that's what it says; something like that). I click on "Inspect," the screen jumps a little bit as if something is going to happen, and then nothing does. I can't see my garden at all, and certainly can't do anything to it.

This was a problem about four tests ago, worked fine about three tests ago, and was again a problem in the last two tests.

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2 with Firefox 3.6.15.

Posted 13 years ago by Plurp Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hi Plurp!

    The garden is going to be revamped pretty soon, there are definitely problems with players trying to access and use it properly, so it is going to change. Sorry about the problem gardening in the meantime.
    Posted 13 years ago by kevbob Subscriber! | Permalink