
[fixed] Fell through the floor at Level 1 East

Windows 7/Chrome 4.1

Similar to the bug at The Entrance, there is a spot close to the "Level 2 East" Signpost where there is a ledge that overlooks a Beryl Rock spawning point. If you jump from the right to the left you can slip between the barrier that represents the wall and the barrier that represents the ledge. It's easier to escape this pit of doom since the actual map is lower to the ground than at The Entrance.

Posted 14 years ago by snippid Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I believe this has been fixed, and I'm unable to reproduce it, but if you find that you can reproduce it still next time the game is up update this thread and let us know and I'll make sure it gets resolved properly.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink