
[awaiting player response] Uncle Friendly hooch quest

So, I'm really bad at reading directions and I accidentally messed up the alcohol quest (instead of one and six, for some reason my brain interpreted it as 10 and 1. Yes, I know.)

anyway, for some reason Uncle Friendly took the beer, none of the hooch. and now he won't talk to me at all.

Posted 14 years ago by Sweet Sadie Wren Subscriber! | Permalink


  • From what I can tell, it looks like you completed the quest. This sort of exposes a known issue that makes it more or less impossible to look over the quests you've already completed in-game, and we're currently working on a good solution to that, but can you clarify for me whether or not you had any help with this issue since posting about it? I see no hooch in your character's inventory, and I'm unable to reproduce the problem by having 10 hooch and 1 beer on hand.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink