
[investigating] floating island in the mines

Yesterday there was an island in the mines from which I jumped to grab "?" quoins. While I was in the air the screen graphic switched momentarily to the preliminary location-loading graphic for that section of the world (the graphic that appears right after you click on a signpost).

The wrong graphic intruded each time I jumped and was in the air (several times). The jumping&grabbing actions all worked. There was just this fleeting appearance of the wrong graphic.

Sorry I can't remember the exact location. I will try to retrace the steps next time.

Now that I think some more, the misbehaving island may not have been in the mines but in one of the offshoots somewhere in the direction of the Hole to Ix. Where is where on that part of the map is still confusing to my brain.

Posted 14 years ago by rothko Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I'm not sure where you're referring to, but I'll take a run around the zones and see if I can't find something that fits this description. If you can think of anything to help clarify, let me know, or alternatively, next time we do a test if you can try to find either lauraglu or myself (one of us should be monitoring the Help channel) and show us where it happens, that'd be awesome.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • It is the leftmost floating island in Cebarkul. I couldn't see the bug.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Just so we're on the same page. I'm pretty sure it has to do with my sometimes intermittant wireless. It doesn't occur consistently. It happened to me on the leftmost floating island in Level 1 West also.
    Posted 14 years ago by rothko Subscriber! | Permalink