
semi-sticking to wall while falling left of Karpal Tunnel's ladder

Repro Steps
Go to The Drop, then Karpal Tunnel, climb the ladder and walk to the right.
Walk to the left with the left arrow and keep the left arrow pressed.
[You can also partially climb the ladder, then press and hold the left arrow key]

Expected Behavior
fall to the bottom under regular gravity

Actual Behavior
head sorta sticks to the left wall as you slowly slide down the wall by your head. Releasing the left arrow key or pressing other arrows fixes it.

I was stuck by the forehead near the top of the ladder 3 times, same fix. Seemed kinda random for whether I'd stick or fall. I mostly fell.

Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Also occurs in Headspace by going up to the eye and falling against the right side.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink