
[confirmed] Error Messages in Hell One

So, I forgot to eat, and got sent to hell.

I spent a few moments squishing grapes like crazy and got resurrected, and on my return, noticed a bunch of messages rapidly fading away - those growl-like popups that appear down the left hand side.

They all said the same thing, something along the lines of:

A wee problem, couldn't find the itemstack(0)

That may not be a verbatim quote - the messages quickly disappeared.

Posted 14 years ago by dopiaza Subscriber! | Permalink


  • We should probably have a better error message there, so I'll file something about that, but if, as you say, you were squishing them like crazy, you probably just got a few more than you needed and the game was slow to let your client know you had been moved :) Were you experiencing anything else that felt like lag? Were things in the game world slow to respond?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • No, it felt pretty responsive. I was squishing quite fast - the grapes were piled up on top of each other so you can get quite a speed up there using the keyboard...
    Posted 14 years ago by dopiaza Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Okay. I've filed a bug and made the devs aware of this post, so at the very least we should at least have more informative messages, and ideally we'll avoid flooding you with growls like that.
    Posted 14 years ago by Crunchy Eyeballs Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Maybe related? I went to hell and back but my Quest log doesn't reflect that.
    Posted 14 years ago by Chelseathing Subscriber! | Permalink
  • off topic but crunchy eyeballs i like your name
    Posted 14 years ago by Alex Subscriber! | Permalink