
[confirmed] Widescreen Issues

Jeff and I are both using shiny new widescreen laptops... which is all well and good... until something appears too high on the screen! Having both found the full screen mode in Firefox we can now read all the text, but we first noticed in the opening tutorial when the tree was talking to us, and we couldn't read the top line of text.
I'm not sure what you could do about this... it was just a bit disorientating and required some fairly expert poking of the browser to get the screen large enough to see everything.
FYI - I'm running at 1366x768

Posted 14 years ago by Katrina Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Hey, thanks so much for the detailed report! We need to either move that tree down, make the message shorter, or figure out how to give you a bit more vertical room for the user interface. Well, we'll see what we can do! (but this might take a little time) Thanks again.
    Posted 14 years ago by Mr. Burka Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Nothing to see here! Mr Burka beat me to it :)
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink