
[awaiting response] Zooming in Chrome

Trying to click on butterflies can sometimes cause the browser to zoom in on the action probably because multiple clicks invokes some sort of shortcut. When this happens it's not that obvious how to zoom back out and the website appears to store the zoomed behaviour (I had to reset it this morning). Game play can continue but if you try to click on anything you have to click further down and to the right. This was most apparent in the Garden area.

It would be better if the zoom was disabled

Posted 14 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I had issues with this again last night. I'm not sure which actions actually begin to zoom in the page, but it is a pain to reset especially as Chrome has few menus. I'll have to try to remember that Ctrl+0 resets it or use the page menu to Zoom Normal.
    Posted 14 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • By using keyboard commands, clicking on butterflies is easy. Simply jump, and hit enter as you pass the butterfly. It makes life a lot easier.
    Posted 14 years ago by TGDT Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I'm unable to reproduce this myself in Chrome, and it looks like we're using the same version. I'll follow up on this with our client team to see if they know something I don't, and in the meantime I'll add it to the Known Issues bug with the Ctrl+0 shortcut workaround that you suggest.

    If you can help clarify how you got Chrome to zoom in like that please do. I'll see if I can't figure it out and if not maybe we can work something out during the next play test. Either way, thanks bluto!
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink