
[confirmed] Unnecessary status effects.

It appears that status effects are given based on the items used, rather than on their completed use. For instance, I tried to drink a Cloud 11 Smoothie, but was told that I couldn't because my mood was already full. Despite this, I was still given the Sky Cruisin' status effect even though the Smoothie remained in my bag undrunk.

Posted 14 years ago by TGDT Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I got this too. I didn't actually drink a bubble tea because I was already in a good mood but I still got Bubbly Tea Meditative State (or some such thing) onscreen when I meditated immediately after.
    Posted 14 years ago by Atalanta Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Conversely, I tried to drink each of the above today, was told my mood was fine, and was NOT placed into either "special state" afterwards.
    Posted 14 years ago by Eleanor Rigby Subscriber! | Permalink