
[investigating] disfunctional direction arrows

Repro Steps
Leave the Glitch browser window.
Return to the Glitch browser window.

Expected Behavior
Arrow keys work for moving.

Actual Behavior
Arrow keys don't work for moving. They still work in menus. Fix workaround: reload.

It happens when I go to another browser window or another program or Finder, basically leaving the game window. (Mac OS 10.5.8, Safari 5.0, Flash Player 10,1,53,64)

Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I can't reproduce this with OSX 10.6.4, but the same version of Safari/Flash, and I can't imagine that OSX is the source of the problem here, but I've mentioned this to our client guys and they're digging into it a bit. Can you provide any more details on the repro steps? How were you switching windows, for example?
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink
  • clicking on other browser windows with the mouse
    clicking on the OS background with the mouse
    getting Glitch skill/realty popups to happen when a Glitch popup window wasn't already underneath the game window

    I got OSX 10.6 months ago, but haven't gotten around to installing it. I could install to see if that solves it or wait until the bug is fixed, same difference to me.
    Posted 14 years ago by Tingly Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I was having this problem a bunch today on Safari. Whereas before I'd experienced this happening on occasion, usually after gaining a level or a badge, I was always able to fix it by clicking back into the game scene. Today I had to refresh to fix the problem, which was happening seemingly at random but it might have been connected to clicking into chat.

    Loaded the game in Firefox and didn't experience the problem again. I'm on a dinosaur of a MacBook running OS 10.4.11, fwiw, and I don't have Safari open right now but I'm pretty sure I also need to update that from version 4.whatever...
    Posted 14 years ago by katlazam Subscriber! | Permalink