
[not a bug] Avatar data isn't saved.

When new things are added to the avatar creation screen, as has happened recently, it appears that to change anything, you have to start from scratch. For instance, I love the new clothes option that you've given us, but in order to change to one of them I had to completely recreate my avatar's body (which I wanted to keep the same). I understand that this is due to the new items, and now when I edit the avatar I don't have to go through the tedium as I've already done it, but is it possible, where items are unchanged, to allow the option to retain the old elements into the new system.

I know this is really confusing, and I'm not sure whether I've made my self clear enough. Basically: when new items are added to the avatar screen, shouldn't our avatars remain as they were if the same components are still available.

Posted 14 years ago by TGDT Subscriber! | Permalink


  • I follow what you mean. I had to restart from scratch there to add a bracelet, but now that my avatar has been created using the present set-up, I can quickly edit something.

    I can also see why they are not converting between changes. With only a small number of testers, it's a lot of effort to convert rather than start over. As the tests get bigger I would suspect maintaining avatars will become a bigger priority.
    Posted 14 years ago by bluto Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Again, it isn't a major problem and I can see why it isn't worth it at this stage, but viewing the profile of anyone who hasn't updated their avatar since the changes gives the default unaltered avatar, rather than their previous avatar.

    Viewing bluto's profile shows the avatar in all its glory, but other players' avatars look much less glorified (more clonified I suppose!). It isn't a bug per se. More of an observation.
    Posted 14 years ago by TGDT Subscriber! | Permalink
  • I believe the recent avatar resets were related more to a bug that left players with broken avatars that we wanted to deliberately force people to change. I will bring this bug up internally, but in general it's not our intention to reset avatars any time the customization selection changes. The reset was primarily a product of the bug I mentioned and the fact that we're still trying to get the customizer working in a way we're happy with.
    Posted 14 years ago by Beefcake Subscriber! | Permalink